Dancing into Term 1B!

Dancing into Term 1B!

Dance Academy’s workshop for Parents

What a welcome back to school! The parent dance workshop on the first day after half term was an invigorating and uplifting experience. Coach Sarah began with a brief 15-minute introduction about her own dance training and experience, laying the foundations, expectations and a positive tone for the morning.
After the introduction, the group dove into an extensive warm-up that included aerobic activities, isolations and stretching, to prepare for movement and get a real taste of what professional classes – and classes at the Dance Academy – are like. Participants then practiced short combinations across the floor, which helped them learn technical steps and gain confidence for the routine that followed. The highlight was then the jazz routine set to ‘One Night Only’ from the hit musical Dreamgirls. It was fast-paced and energetic, allowing everyone to tap into their inner strength and enthusiasm. Laughter, sweat, and enjoyment filled the studio as everyone worked hard together. Coach Sarah was in her element, showcasing her teaching style and passion for dance – something she aims to instil throughout the Dance Academy. By the end of the two-hour session, parents left feeling energised and excited for the next workshop! 

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