Laura Wall Brings Her Stories to Life

Laura Wall Brings Her Stories to Life

Author Laura Wall visits Key Stage 1

Last week, the children in Nursery, Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 had the pleasure of meeting Laura Wall, the talented author/illustrator of the ‘Goose and Friends’ series of picture books. Laura shared a captivating video of her walk to work, showcasing the beautiful beach and water views she enjoys daily. During her assemblies, she took the children on a virtual tour of her gallery and workshop, where all her amazing artwork comes to life. 

The children were enthralled by the stories Laura told and had a blast learning the ‘Goose’ song. They discovered how illustrations can add extra details to words, making stories even more engaging. Laura also demonstrated how she storyboards her ideas to create her own stories, inspiring the children to plan their own with great imagination and enthusiasm.

One of the highlights of the visit was when the children got to draw Goose and other characters from Laura’s books. They were so proud to take home their own versions of Goose after their session with Laura.

“Having an author visiting school and sharing their love of words and pictures can really enhance the children’s love of reading. It gives them the opportunity to ask questions of real life artists and wordsmiths and encourages them in their own endeavours as learners. Meeting authors ‘live’ also shows them that books still have a place in this world and they can make you smile, help you to share your thoughts and ideas as well as inspiring you to create your own stories”, reflected Mr Stephen Murgatroyd, Cross Campus Head of Libraries.

Having Laura in school has been a fabulous experience for all of the children and we were delighted to have her here!  

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