Mathematical Precision in Year 13

Mathematical Precision in Year 13

Mathematical Mastery

In Year 13, our students taking Mathematics Higher Level: Analysis and Approaches (HL AA) have just completed their trial examinations, an important step in the preparation for finals in May. 

The trial examinations gave the students a chance to fine-tuned skills such as the productive use of reading time, effective time management and engaging technology. The most important steps, however, happen after the papers has been sat and corrected. To become successful in the coming months, students will engage with metacognitive practices related to both course content and their learning to identify their path to success. Metacognition, the understanding of one’s own thinking, allows our students to identify clear steps forward. The support of the classroom teacher and fellow classmates, is crucial in unlocking the potential. 

What content areas are my strengths and weaknesses? Under time pressure, were my difficulties in selecting the correct approach or in executing the correct techniques? Do I need practise in formulating a logical argument or proof? Does the reflection and reasoning component of my solutions require more detailed evidence? These are only some of the possible questions our mathematicians will be asking in their quest to achieve their academic goals this year.

Leading up to the February half-term, final pieces of the curriculum will be taught (in discrete and continuous probability distributions!) and then the formal revision process begins. For our HL AA students, Paper 3 practice and skills development will offer the opportunity to engage with sustained reasoning leading to generalisations and proof, covering the breadth of the curriculum. 

Self-efficacy and self-awareness will be key to every student’s success. Given this cohort’s maturity, we are confident in the success that will be a ‘direct measure’ of these elements.

The information in this post is valid for the date posted above. Our curriculum and policies are dynamic. For up-to-date information, please contact the school directly.