Playful Learning in Year 1
Play builds brains..
Pioneering research by renowned neuroscientists has proven that play builds brains which is why, in Key Stage 1 at Bangkok Patana, it is an integral part of our curriculum. In Playful Learning, Year 1 students engaged in their Science, Humanities and Art learning through play. Each week, the students have travelled the world… They collaboratively and creatively used junk modelling materials to build their very own airplane. They used maps and atlases to decide on their destinations, carefully considering the weather when packing and making exciting travel plans depending on the season. As travel agents, students prepared tickets and itineraries often using their own experiences to give insightful advice about each holiday destination. After an amazing trip to Kenya, they were inspired by African patterns, which they used to create their very own artwork. Whilst deep in their play, students are developing crucial learning-to-learn skills like flexibility, problem-solving and critical thinking.
Learning through play in Key Stage 1 enhances the social, emotional and cognitive development of our students whilst empowering them to take ownership of their learning journey, fostering creativity and a lifelong love for learning.