Year 9 (I)GCSE Options Morning

Year 9 (I)GCSE Options Morning

Subject options for every interest…

Year 9 students and their parents spent a morning at the (I)GCSE Options Fair, exploring the variety of opportunities that they can select for their upcoming (I)GCSE timetables. This event provides families with valuable information to help them make informed decisions about tailored pathways. Families were excited by the diverse showcasing of subject options available which will broaden students’ perspectives and help them develop a global mindset. Starting with an informative assembly in the Theatre, students were given an overview of their options for the next academic year. It proved to be a good opportunity for students to learn about the subjects on offer and gain guidance about the options process, as well as advice on selecting their options.

The Options Fair followed the assembly, with students able to speak to subject leaders and staff from each subject. With booths set up throughout the Exhibition Hall, students could ask questions about the courses that interested them. This provided students with an in-depth understanding of the subjects and will help them to make informed decisions about their future academic paths. Exciting times ahead for our Year 9s!

Learn more about the (I)GCSE Options Subjects below:

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