Policies and Placement
Year Group Placement
Year group placements are made according to the age norms that operate in the British system, and only in exceptional circumstances will places be offered outside these ranges. The curriculum will be sufficiently differentiated to cater for the normal ability range within the defined school year. Cut off dates for any given year are September 1st to August 31st inclusive.
For Year group placement by age range and Year group equivalents please see the following document:
Admissions Criteria
In accordance with our Guiding Statements, we welcome applications from students of all nationalities who are able to successfully access and benefit from our academic programmes. The admissions processes are designed to ensure that the students who join Bangkok Patana School thrive within our learning community.
To maintain diversity, intake of Thai students is limited to approximately 20%, and due to the high demand for a small number of places we have a slightly different application process for Thai nationals. This ensures that we have the most up-to-date information regarding potential applicants. More information on the Thai nationals application process can be seen here.
Students will only be considered for enrolment if residing in Bangkok with a Parent or Legal Guardian. In exceptional circumstances, we may allow students to reside with an Appointed Guardian.
Applications to join the school will be judged on the following criteria:
- The student’s ability to access the curriculum in a meaningful way with the support available in the requisite Year group.
- Previous school reports, references, confidential recommendation forms, writing samples and the results of any assessments.
- Demonstration of a student’s positive attitude to learning and characteristics of effective learning.
- The School’s ability to meet the student’s social, emotional, behavioural and learning needs.
- Availability of places within the appropriate Year group / class sizes.
- Maintaining balance and diversity within the Year group and class in terms of gender, nationality and language.
- Alignment of expectations and values between the parents and School, including the parents’ agreement to commit to and abide by the School’s Guiding Statements.
Waiting Pools
When the School receives applications for international students but is not able to make an offer immediately, students are placed in waiting pools for admission and the following factors will be considered when places become available:
- The applicant’s ability to thrive within and contribute towards our learning community.
- The availability of support for any English as an Additional Language, Learning Support or other needs.
- Prior connection to Bangkok Patana School i.e. sibling of current student, returning student in good standing, sibling or child of alumni.
- Applicant with other siblings applying for a place.
- Maintaining diversity and balance within Year groups in terms of gender, nationality and language.
- Date of completing application.
Applications for Thai nationals will be considered once per year in line with the dates outlined here. If places are not available, applicants will be invited to update their applications for reconsideration the following academic year.
Please note that an application is not complete and will not be considered for placement until all applicable documents have been submitted to the Admissions Office and the Application Fee has been paid.
Available places in certain age groups are regularly oversubscribed and parents are advised to make an early application or to contact the Admissions Office regarding the current enrolment situation.