Our community
Bangkok Patana is a dynamic and engaged school and part of that comes from the opportunities that parents, students and staff have to get together to celebrate their community. For our diverse community of people from over 60 nationalities, Bangkok Patana School is the familiar thread that gives us all a sense of belonging. Throughout the year we have events that nurture these human connections within our community and make it easier for families transitioning into our school. Examples of some of these events are below.
– Newcomers Induction Events: Twice a year, in August and January, the School and the Parent Teachers Group (PTG) host activities to welcome new families and introduce them to other members of the community.
– International Day is a celebration of each nationality in school with a parade of students, teachers and parents in their national dress, followed by a cultural show and an opportunity for everyone to sample international cuisine in the Food Hall.
– The Christmas Concert is an indoor-outdoor event with seasonal music and food. Just a couple of days later, a long standing Bangkok Patana tradition is guessing the arrival of Santa Claus into the Christmas Assembly. In the past, Santa has arrived by boat, in a Muggle’s car, on an elk, by helicopter, in a zorb ball and even in a spacecraft!
– Tiger Spirit Day takes place in October as the whole campus turns orange and black to celebrate our school mascot and our Tiger Sports teams.
– Organised by the PTG, the school’s annual Fun Day is a day-long fair with activities for very young children all the way up to parents. About 3,500 people gather on the Primary Back Field to enjoy rides, try new crafts, do some shopping or enjoy the stage entertainment along with great food and drinks. Fun Day is a true highlight of the year!