Key Stage 3
We provide a balanced experience for our students in Key Stage 3, one which aims to develop the social, emotional, creative, physical and academic aspects of their learning. As well as the rich and wide-ranging curriculum content which our students learn, the programme also focuses on important skills, competencies, attitudes, dispositions, and values required for successful life-long learning and positive global citizenship.
The academic programme has its roots in the English National Curriculum but has been further developed and constructed to celebrate the international context in which the school resides. There are many opportunities to study international themes and cultures across the wide range of subjects students take. The programme is underpinned by a pastoral programme which seeks to develop the individual skills necessary for students to make the right decisions, take responsibility for their actions and have a broad understanding and appreciation of the cultures that live together in our international community.
Students enter the Secondary School from the age of 11 and in Years 7, 8 and 9 – collectively referred to as Key Stage 3 – follow a course of study which provides a broad and balanced range of learning experiences. The content of the National Curriculum is modified to take account of our position in South East Asia, but the basic skills and concepts remain the same.
In Term 2 of Year 9, students start to make decisions concerning the courses they will pursue during Key Stage 4. In order to help students make informed decisions, the school will hold an Options Morning where parents and students will be informed of the courses available for study at (I)GCSE. In the pastoral programme, students meet with careers advisors and receive guidance on those areas of the curriculum which are only offered from Year 10 and beyond.
As well as allowing young people to develop their social, literacy and analytical skills, the Key Stage 3 curriculum provides the challenge to help our students to be able to perform in today’s modern technological world.