Here at Bangkok Patana, we are incredibly fortunate to have a team of highly qualified, experienced, motivated and exceptionally dedicated Inclusion specialists who support children in a variety of important ways, both academically and pastorally/social-emotionally. The Primary Inclusion Team is separated into five independent but interrelated areas, as illustrated in the graphic below:

inclusion areas

As an Inclusion Team we have strong confidence that by communicating well with parents, by collaborating with classroom teachers and delivering a variety of lessons together with them using a co-teaching model, we are meeting the needs of a diverse student population on a day-to-day basis and at the same time preparing them with a comprehensive toolkit for life as a global citizen in the 21st Century.

Support for Learning

Our Support for Learning (previously Learning Support) team advises teachers on planning and providing further differentiation and resources as well as practical teaching and assessment support. The range of musical, sporting and artistic opportunities provided by the school also gives many opportunities for talents to be developed outside the formal classroom setting.

The team works in close partnership with students, parents, identified outside agencies, class/specialist teachers and the Primary Leadership Team. As a school,  we recognise individual strengths and differences in teaching the whole child; therefore, if any child experiences barriers to their learning, a collaborative approach to assessment is used to identify strengths, needs and if necessary, implement a programme of support.

Support for Learning teachers work mainly in class by supporting the delivery of the standard curriculum and differentiating it appropriately. They also sometimes work with students outside of class in small groups or 1:1 when needed.

In Primary, we follow many of the procedures of the UK Code of Practice. When a student is referred to the Support for Learning team, parents will be informed. If a Learning Plan (IEP) is required, targets are set with parents and teachers and reviewed regularly. A Learning Plan is an individualised agreed plan of action which is regularly reviewed as part of the reporting cycle to parents.

If outside specialist assessment/intervention is recommended, for example, from an Educational Psychologist, the Support for Learning staff can provide information on contacts and options available to parents.

In the rare case that we feel our resources are unable to adequately meet the specific needs of a child, we will suggest an alternative placement.

Some children will demonstrate, or show the potential to demonstrate, outstanding abilities, creative flair or talents which will be significantly in advance of their peers.

Speech and Language Therapy

Children requiring speech and language therapy may be referred to our school speech therapist who will assess a child’s needs and then provide a programme of therapy if appropriate.

Fees are charged for the services of the speech therapist and for any in-school support which is in addition to that provided by our Learning Support teachers.


Our Enrichment (formerly Extended Learning) team uses evidence-based research in order to help us better meet the needs of the more able and exceptional learners. By working with teachers and students both in and outside of the classroom setting, we are able to provide suitably challenging extension and enrichment experiences.

Importantly, Enrichment provision is not only focused only on raising certain individuals’ levels of learning and progression. Our shared focus on in-class differentiated provision means that the aim is to also seek to ‘enrich’ everyone’s learning where possible and by doing so raise the quality and provision of learning for all.

Although the Enrichment programme is centred mainly on academic development, the team also supports students in other important ways, including mentoring and helping them understand and manage their unique social and emotional needs.

English as an Additional Language

The English as an Additional Language (EAL) programme supports learners in developing their English language proficiency and confidence while at the same time enabling them to fully access the curriculum at an age and cognitively appropriate level.

From Key Stage 1, each year group has a Language Acquisition teacher and English Language Facilitators who work alongside class teachers to support children with their English Language development. ‘Learning Language’ learning intentions are used as the basis of language learning and focus on the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

In Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3, EAL students receive two hours of discreet language provision per week in addition to their class support.


The primary School currently has two full-time qualified and experienced counsellors. They usually provide short-term counselling of up to six sessions, on school premises, and usually in school time, although the length of the sessions varies and is dependent on need.

The counsellors work independently but collaborate with teachers and other staff to help your child, while at the same time protecting confidentiality.

Here are some of the actvities in school that support Inclusion: