Block D ECAs Begin!

Block D ECAs Begin!

ECAs offer a range of benefits and opportunities

Block D ECAs (Extra-curricular Activities) began this week, with students participating in a wide range of activities. Taking full advantage of the variety of ECA offerings, students can participate in different options each Block, or may choose to continue honing their capability within one particular field or skill. Not only do ECAs engage students in activities that are fun and educational, but they also provide students with a fantastic way to socialise with their peers from other Year groups. Additionally, these unique learning opportunities enable students to dive into topics that may not be covered in the classroom, to have a go at sports that are not offered competitively, or to explore their individual interests. Extra-curricular activities also facilitate the broadening of students’ perspectives, adding balance to their academic lives and improving their well-being. Check out some of the ECAs students have been participating in so far this week!

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