Hundreds Join Live ECAs!
Students were motivated to get moving in ECAs online.
Congratulations to the 200+ students, teachers and parents who tuned in for the first live ECAs via Microsoft Teams. The Primary Fun Dance attracted almost 140 students, who bopped along with Miss Vallary, Mr Sugus and Khun Oui. There were lots of smiles and some great moves by both the Primary students and some parents!
The Secondary Stretch and Core session was delivered by our new Head of Gymnastics – Miss Rebecca. The older students were put through their paces building their strength, flexibility and balance. In the August pilot of this new programme, each day there is one Primary option and one Secondary option. We have focused on activities that will get students up and moving and can be done with minimal equipment and space.
Thursday’s offerings include Primary Tennis Skills and Secondary HIIT. The best part? Students can earn virtual medals and House points. Don’t let lockdown get you down – jump into our Live ECAs after every school day! You can access the ECAs via Microsoft Teams – click on the ECAs and Academies team and join either Primary or Secondary ECAs. An email was also sent to parents with a link. Watch this video for details.