Home Language and Language Labs

Home Language and Language Labs

Supporting students to maintain their gift of bilingualism

Our Language Labs initiative prioritises the support of students’ growth in their Home Language. The first Patana Life blog focused on Home Languages emphasised the importance of accepting that students’ levels of fluency in their Home Languages vary greatly. The new Language Labs model, allows Mandarin Second Language and French, Japanese and Korean Home Language lessons to be offered at least until the end of Key Stage 3 (Year 9).

In Year 6, Primary students are asked to confirm their WL1 (foreign language, usually studied in Primary), to choose a WL2 (a language they have never studied before) and to elect a second option: their Home Language or a Second Language. Students who express an interest in one of the four offered languages will be assessed to evaluate their Reading and Writing skills. Our World Languages teachers understand that there will be a wide range of abilities, so students don’t need to worry about this assessment as it is only used to help teachers determine the level of fluency. For students who can speak and understand a language, but cannot read or write, an alternative course option is available.

Language Labs are offered during curriculum timetables, so that students don’t have to sacrifice an ECA slot for it. Students study in small groups and are taught online during the WL2 slot on their timetables.

Mandarin, Japanese and Korean are taught by Ming Yan Education, led by Oscar Wang, while French is taught by the Alliance française Bangkok.

The information in this post is valid for the date posted above. Our curriculum and policies are dynamic. For up-to-date information, please contact the school directly.