Our Female Leaders: Helen Thew
Cross Campus Principal and Acting Secondary Principal Helen Thew leads with kindness and compassion.
Helen Thew is the Cross Campus Principal and has taken on double duty this year as Acting Secondary Principal. Her open and caring leadership has seen the Secondary School through these trying times.
“There are very few women Secondary principals in international schools, it seems to be industry-wide. When I attend conferences in the region, I am one of the few women at the conference; it is very male-dominated. However, when interacting with my peers I see that everyone adds their own integrity to the interaction. I believe women bring something different to discussions. In my experience, I see women go for the collective intellectual; to hear everyone out and to incorporate their opinions in the decision-making process. We make sure that everyone’s voice is heard. The collective intellectual process will always do better than the individual intellectual, allowing other voices be heard gives us a more complete vision.”
“It is important for women in leadership roles to be role models for children. Both boys and girls look to us and see our actions and attitudes. You want them to think to themselves, ‘That is what I want to be when I grow up.’
“In leadership roles, women can’t be the same as men, we need to be ourselves. It is important that I listen and actively engage to hear what is needed. The best working teams are diverse in ages and genders and one where all members feel they can come forward with their opinions and that those opinions are respected and honoured. I think it is important to show kindness and compassion.” #ChoosetoChallenge #IWD2021 #InternationalWomensDay