Science and Stretch Develops Collaborative Skills

Science and Stretch Develops Collaborative Skills

The Science and Stretch ECA offers students a chance to work collaboratively on scientific experiments.

Year 7 students are using their collaborative skills to develop and grow as scientists in the Science and Stretch ECA (Extra-curricular Activity). The students work in groups to choose an area of study, design and construct experiments to investigate their research topic and evaluate the results. Students are designing such items as bath bombs, edible water pouches and designing and launching a water rocket.

This ECA follows the CREST Awards scheme, the British Science Association’s flagship programme for young people. Science and Stretch is the only UK nationally recognised accreditation scheme for project work in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects for students.

Not only do the students advance their scientific skills, but they are also aiming for the Bronze CREST Award which is a special Science and Technology award from the UK.

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