Senior Leadership Update – 9th September 2021

Senior Leadership Update – 9th September 2021

Dear Parents, We want to give you an update on our plans for returning to school.  Last week, we gave a detailed presentation […]

Dear Parents, We want to give you an update on our plans for returning to school.  Last week, we gave a detailed presentation to the government, which was well received and is now being considered within their various departments. We do not have a timeline for a response, but we expect to have at least some Year groups back in school before half-term.  

The plan we proposed (subject to approval) would see Year 13 students returning to school first, followed by other Year groups as we fine-tune procedures. Limited ECAs will be available. As part of the approval process, government authorities will conduct an intensive school site visit to confirm all the correct safety procedures are in place. This is a hybrid model and those families who wish to continue with CSL may do so. We have a good, solid plan including: 

  • Transport: there will be no more than 5 students, with masks, on a bus.
  • Canteen: boxed lunches will be delivered to all Primary students and those Secondary students on the set lunch programme; there will be limited options available from the Secondary Snack Bar. Students will sit in pods and they will be eating outside in a safe environment.
  • Classrooms: Students will be spaced out so there is at least 1 metre between them. There will be fixed seating plans for all students in Years 1 – 13. The fixed seating plan ensures that we know who has sat next to whom consistently and therefore we can identify who is high risk.
  • ATK (Antigen Test Kit) Testing: Before students start their first day on campus, parents must procure and administer an ATK test for their child (ren), and send a negative result to the school nurse. These ATK test kits are easily available from your local pharmacy. Random ATK tests will then be done weekly with staff and students. If your child is selected, a test will be sent home for application. The test results must be sent to the school nurse before the student can return to campus. This applies for staff as well.
  • A comprehensive procedure for testing and managing results has been developed. You can view the procedure HERE.
  • Minimal presence on campus: Our staff will be asked to remain in small ‘bubbles” and parents will not be allowed inside the school at this time.
  • The established COVID safety procedures at our school will be strictly enforced.

 More details will be sent once we receive confirmation for our campus reopening plan, which will be safe, staggered and controlled. There are three urgent calls for action from the school:

  1. For those parents whose child(ren) were fully enrolled by 6th August 2021, you should have received a letter regarding a THB 2,000 rebate per child from the government. If you did not receive this letter, please contact
  2. You should have received a letter this morning regarding vaccinations for students aged 12 to 18. If you did not receive this letter, please email
  3. Please complete the Health and Travel Declaration form HERE if you have not already done so. This form is a pre-requisite for school campus re-entry.

 Just a reminder that our PTG AGM will be held via MS Teams on Tuesday 14th September beginning at 2.45pm. Please do join the meeting via this link to elect your PTG representatives for 2021/22. If you would like to nominate yourself or another parent, please do it here before 10.00am Monday 13th September.  

Thanks to all of you who completed our CSL survey. Cross Campus Principal Helen Thew will share the results with you in tomorrow’s Patana News.  Here is an example of some of the comments we received back: 

I feel the FS2 timetable is going very smoothly. My child is starting to understand his routine, which is great and the calls are giving him something to look forward to….” Foundation Stage parent 

Teachers are very organised. They have many ideas for online studying like quizzes, online worksheets or online games connected with the topic.” Year 11 student 

We hope you have a good weekend and that we can see your child(ren) back at school soon.  

Best wishes, Senior Leadership Team

The information in this post is valid for the date posted above. Our curriculum and policies are dynamic. For up-to-date information, please contact the school directly.