World Cafe CPL

World Cafe CPL

Striving to ensure ethical interactions within our community, Bangkok Patana staff participate in World Café CPL sessions.

Throughout Term 2, Bangkok Patana is offering our staff the opportunity to participate in ‘World Café’ CPL sessions. Underpinned by our Global Citizenship values, Bangkok Patana is on a mission to make our school’s community more inclusive. These CPL sessions will be focused on the topics of Gender and Race.

A “World Cafe” is a professional learning model, created to help people explore a topic that might be challenging to discuss in normal day-to-day circumstances. A pseudo-cafe environment is created with warm drinks, nice snacks and comfortable, cosy seating. Staff are then encouraged to engage with focus questions with the assistance of a facilitator. The facilitator ensures everyone has a voice and there is mutual respect, even if two parties have opposing opinions.

It is hoped that staff will contribute their ideas, questions and concerns, and in doing so we will plan tangible ways to ensure that everyone feels welcome in our community. Research shows that World Cafes often lead to: new initiatives; new policy; greater shared understanding; and common language.

Taking part in discussions around topics outside of your comfort zone is healthy and is also where the most learning happens. It’s fantastic our staff are willing to role model this for our students.

Here are some of the questions our staff will be considering in the coming weeks:

  • Do we have a shared language and understanding around gender identity at Bangkok Patana?
  • Are there equal opportunities for students of all gender identities at Bangkok Patana?
  • Is there a place for affirmative action at Bangkok Patana if we see representation gaps in key groups? Who is not “at the table?”
  • Is there racism at Bangkok Patana and if so, how does it manifest?
  • What stereotypes are most prominent at Bangkok Patana and how can we address them?
  • Do we truly embrace multi-racial students at Bangkok Patana, have we inadvertently set-up situations where they have to choose between their racial identities, often demanding exoticism?

Considering such discussion questions encourages transparency and awareness within a diverse and international community. Bangkok Patana prioritises safeguarding, and as such, our staff strive to ensure that all members of our community can interact ethically, conscientiously and with integrity.

The information in this post is valid for the date posted above. Our curriculum and policies are dynamic. For up-to-date information, please contact the school directly.