A Busy Week of Professional Learning!
Our teaching staff are truly lifelong learners
We recently had an exciting CPL (Continuing Professional Learning) week as we welcomed Tom Sherrington and Matt McGinlay to campus. Tom Sherrington is an ex-Head Teacher, writer and researcher who has most recently authored the Walkthrus resources to support teaching and learning in the classroom through evidence-informed approaches. Tom worked with our staff and parents, in addition to conducting classroom observations. Bangkok Patana also hosted a large external CPL Conference, led by Tom, which attracted nearly 60 teachers from around the region, including Singapore, China, Myanmar, Korea and Japan. We look forward to creating a community of practice with this wider group now that it has been established.
Matt McGinlay is a researcher and co-author of the Great Teacher Toolkit (GTT), another evidence-based guide used to drive forward great teaching practices. The GTT is a lens through which to view great teaching and includes four main elements: understanding content, creating a supportive environment, maximising the opportunity to learn and activating hard thinking. Matt spent his time consulting with our Secondary Leadership Team and our GTT Action Research group, ready for a wider roll-out next academic year.
In addition to hosting Tom Sherrington and Matt McGinlay, we had a full range of other CPL trainings on offer, including: trip leader training, a visit to the Horizon Centre for our Counselling Team to learn about gaming addiction, team time for Year groups and faculties to meet and develop existing projects, dedicated time for staff to undertake 1:1 instructional coaching and an opportunity for our Leadership Team to discuss training needs for next year and beyond.