Coronavirus Update – 28th January
28th January update
Dear Parents,
We understand that as media coverage has heightened regarding the spread of coronavirus, there is widespread anxiety about the situation. We continue to maintain close contact with health and government agencies and with other schools. Based on the reports to date, the majority of people affected have been older people, often with pre-existing conditions.
The risk of contraction in Thailand continues to be low and many of the people thought to be infected with coronavirus have been cleared and released from hospital. However, we continue to review student attendance records and reasons for absence. Where absence is for three days or more from 15th January onwards, we will contact the family.
To reduce the risk of contraction as much as possible, we should all take reasonable, preventative, hygienic measures. Regular, thorough washing of hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based gel is key to preventing all infections. Hand sanitiser gels are available around the school and we remind children to wash their hands before eating. The image below from the WHO lists five ways to reduce your risk of infection.
As there are many ways in which you may come into contact with a person who has potentially been exposed to coronavirus, we all need to be vigilant in monitoring our own health and that of those around us. If you are aware that you have come into contact with people from any of the infected areas, we recommend that you stay away from school until you have been cleared by a doctor.
Please seek medical advice if anyone in your home has any of the following symptoms:
- Sudden fever
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Dry cough or sore throat
- Headache
- Any of these symptoms with muscle pains and/or tiredness
At this point, we are monitoring all trips and activities. We will modify and inform parents of any changes where necessary.
The school nurses remain a vital part of our medical monitoring process and are the first point of contact if there is a concern.
I am fully aware that many of you are worried about the current situation and want to assure you that we are looking at this issue very seriously. Please continue to monitor our website and I will update you if we need to take any further action.
Best regards,
Matt Mills
Head of School