COVID-19 Update 19th April 2021
COVID-19 update
Dear Parents,
I hope your children have had a good start to Term 3, even though we are away from the school campus.
Since my letter to you last week, there has been an increasing number of positive COVID-19 cases reported throughout the country, and Bangkok has been designated as a red zone. The government has asked educational institutions to be closed until at least 30th April. At this time, I confirm that the school campus closure will be extended until 30th April and learning through our CSL platform will continue.
We have had eight confirmed COVID-19 cases within our community, this includes six parents and two staff members. Thankfully, none of them are experiencing full symptoms at this stage, we wish them all a speedy recovery. A very important reminder that any of our school community who test positive for COVID must contact our Head Nurse, Khun Patama, at pach@patana.ac.th so she can liaise between home and school.
I hope your week is a smooth one, I will get back to you with any updates.
Best wishes,
Matt Mills
Head of School