Developing New Skills in the Early Years Gym

Developing New Skills in the Early Years Gym

Children in Foundation Stage are developing core strength and motor skills in the Early Years Gym

Children in our Foundation Stage have been using the Early Years Gym for a few months to develop their physical abilities. Since they first started using it, more equipment has been added to help the children build core strength and motor skills. Ms Gemma, our Foundation Stage Physical Development specialist teacher supports the students. They really enjoy learning how to use the bars and rings for swinging. They practice forward, egg and pencil rolls on the wedges and a range of jumps along with safe landing techniques. The children absolutely loved trying new activities in this area that has been specially built to help their physical development. We are all looking forward to the day they can get back in school and make full use of this great new space again!

You can read more about the Early Years Gym in the Patana News here

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