Digital Photography in Year 10

Digital Photography in Year 10

Year 10 Photographers are expanding their skills and exploring the campus to capture architectural patterns.

Year 10 students are discovering how digital photography can open up a world of opportunities through practical experience and hands-on-learning. Photography allows for self-expression, as well as opportunities to improve technical skills. Exploring the campus, students searched for architectural patterns to capture and later manipulate with digital editing tools.

Students who have both an analytical and creative mind tend to find that photography works well for them. The assignment they have this month is to capture unusual architectural patterns and strong angles to create semi-abstract double exposure images using Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is also used to refine the images, like in a traditional photo lab.

As photography requires a proactive approach, the students must look at the structural shapes through their camera lens, almost like detectives. It is amazing to witness how students become more aware of their surrounding environments through photography, as well as how their attention to detail is exponentially increased. With photography, you never have to stop expressing yourself creatively!

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