First Senior Student Council Meeting of the Year
Senior Student Representative Council
Student Councils at Bangkok Patana give students a sense of ownership and responsibility in the school. The councils bring student suggestions to the attention of the school leadership, such as breaking up exams weeks to allow time for revision. The first session of the Senior Student Representative Council (SSRC) was overseen by newly elected President Meadow Armiger, Vice President Patrick Ledoit and Secretary Risako Kusumoto.
There are two councils: the JSRC for Years 7-9 and the SSRC for Years 10-13. Each tutor group elects one student to represent them at the councils which meet once a week. The representative brings the comments, ideas and concerns of the tutor group council meeting.
The council will debate whether any action needs to be taken. The councils are run by the students themselves so they set their own agendas and elected their own leadership.