Forms for School Reopening
26th May 2020 Dear Parents, Further to this morning’s letter, we are hoping that we will receive good news on […]
26th May 2020
Dear Parents,
Further to this morning’s letter, we are hoping that we will receive good news on Friday and open on 1st June. In anticipation of this, could you please complete these forms so that your child(ren) are able to return to school on their scheduled days.
All students must have both the Health and Travel Declaration and the Student Safeguarding Staying Safe in School – COVID-19 form completed before they are able to return to school. We request that these forms are completed by this Friday 29th May, in preparation for a possible school opening on Monday 1st June.
The Health and Travel Declaration will also need to be completed by parents / guardians, so the school has all the information relevant to each family.
As you will be aware, these two documents are incredibly important for ensuring your child(ren)’s health and safety as well as being part of the OPEC (Office of the Private Education Commission) requirements for reopening.
You will need your login for the Parents’ Gateway. Please make sure your child(ren) are with you while you complete these forms and that they understand the expectations.
Health and Travel Declaration and the Student Safeguarding Staying Safe in School – COVID-19 forms
Thanks for your ongoing support,
Matt Mills
Head of School