Happy International Women’s Day!
How are you helping to #BreakTheBias?
Happy International Women’s Day! In celebration of women around the world and in an effort to raise awareness about our own implicit biases, Primary students encouraged their peers to “strike a pose” – holding their arms in an “X” shape – to demonstrate their solidarity with the International Women’s Day 2022 theme, #BreakTheBias.
In observation of International Women’s Day, three Bangkok Patana students and one of our alumni will be presenting at the British Chamber of Commerce (BCCT) event this evening to share various ways in which biases can be overcome. Bangkok Patana students have asked participants to complete a survey about implicit biases from Harvard University prior to attending the event, illuminating our own implicit biases and increasing awareness of our own thoughts and actions that may be linked to such biases. The results will then be discussed in terms of their impact on the ways we see, and interact with, the world around us. This is a vital step in Breaking the Bias, as all forward action must begin at the individual level.
In Modern Foreign Languages, some Primary students voiced their support of the day in the language they are learning:
This year’s campaign theme encourages us to:
Imagine a gender equal world.
A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.
A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
A world where difference is valued and celebrated.
Together we can forge women’s equality.
Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.
Celebrate women’s achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.
International Women’s Day may be only one day each year, but it’s what we do on all other 364 days that help to progress women’s rights. How are you helping to #BreakTheBias?