Heather Rising – Leader of Learning Support
“I was happy to see kids connecting their learning with doing…”
Heather Rising is our new Primary Leader of Learning Support. Originally from Canada, she has spent time teaching in the US and in Germany.

“I was very impressed that Bangkok Patana is open to all students, that it is non-selective. I really enjoyed the website and noticed that it wasn’t only just focused on academics but that it showed photos of kids doing things that enhanced their well-being. I was happy to see how important it is here that kids can connect their learning with doing. I think it was really important for the international students to have a well-rounded education. I also loved the April Fool’s joke, it showed that the school had a great sense of humour – and it was totally believable at first!”
“I am so impressed that Bangkok Patana is how it was depicted, the staff have been very warm and welcoming, the design of the campus shows that students are very important here. I appreciate that there are places designed to be fun and interesting for the students while they are in school. Throughout online learning, I noticed that the children were comfortable sharing their minds and communicating with us.”
“Prior to this I worked in a Europa school, they were established when the EU was created to offer bilingual education. Before that I was in a German American bilingual school in Berlin, which utilised two curriculums at the same time and everyone spoke in both languages. It was a very interesting experience. I also worked in the US and Canada after I finished my degree.”
“I have a passion for letting students have the opportunity to be teachers themselves; to ask questions and work with other students. It sets a practice of self-reflection and when they figure out how they learn and how their friends learn, they become better learners themselves. I have previously had older Primary students mentoring younger Primary students and found that very helpful. It is sometimes an easier way of learning that allows students to adapt themselves and also find out how important it is to learn.”
“I am a mother of three nearly grown boys and I like to read and travel. I love to explore the world and see how people live.”
“One more thing I like to do is to write children’s fiction, although I am unpublished. In my spare time I create content for online resources, readers and assessments. This also keeps me updated in current educational philosophy!”