Lights, Action, Go!

Lights, Action, Go!

Year 3 students were delighted to have some of their lessons take place in the Secondary Science Labs

This past week our Year 3 students had the chance to explore a part of Secondary School and they were delighted to have some of their lessons take place in the Secondary Science Labs. They have been learning about light, and it was great to see some of their learning in action.

To begin, they watched a demonstration using smoke and a laser. This allowed them to see how light travels in straight lines. Year 3 then had the opportunity to see a mirage. This is where heated air reflects light differently. The demonstration used fire, a bunsen burner and a transparent screen. It was very clever! The session then finished with a trip outside, as the Sun was needed as a light source. The children used the solar panels to make a lightbulb light up, a car to move and a fan to spin. It was great exploring and seeing learning in action! 

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