Meet the New Teacher: Katie Allen

Meet the New Teacher: Katie Allen

Katie comes to Bangkok Patana after teaching in Japan and Qatar.

Secondary Physical Education Teacher

Katie moved to Bangkok Patana from Kobe in Japan. She is a keen footballer and has already joined a women’s team here in Bangkok. Katie earned her BA Honours in Physical Education and taught in England for six years before making the move to teach internationally.

Journey to Bangkok Patana

“I was working in an international school in Qatar for four years and from there I moved to Japan for two years where I was working in Kobe. It was lovely but quiet. I flew over in December for an interview and taught a lesson here.

I was very impressed when I came for my interview; the facilities, especially for a PE teacher, are amazing. We have our own gymnasium, spin room and climbing wall!

Its busy, I am still trying to find my way around, but everyone seems really friendly, so I just ask when I need help. The kids have been great. I was teaching at a small international school in Japan so it’s a big change to move to such a big school.

I taught at the same school in the UK for six years. It got to the point where I was looking to move, I applied across the UK and then signed up for teaching agencies abroad. A school in Qatar approached me – I had friends teaching there already so I was very interested. I love traveling and this gave me the opportunity to do that as well as teach in a new setting.

I am looking forward to exploring Thailand, I’ve never been to Thailand. I always saved it as a place to visit as I always knew I would end up living here. It’s always been on my radar – I actually met Ollie and Rebecca Blundell in Qatar and was interested in following them here.

Goals and Challenges Ahead

Challenges besides getting lost in school? I think handling the spiciness of the food and maintaining a good work/life balance. There is so much to do here. Compared to Kobe, Bangkok feels like a really big city. Bangkok has so much diversity, I am looking forward to exploring the city.

I love to travel, but it’s nice to come to Thailand where I can see the country. Before I moved to Bangkok I travelled around Japan and got to see much of the country. I’ve visited over 90 countries. I love to play women’s football, it’s my main sport. I played my first game here already, it was a lot of fun. I didn’t really have a problem with the heat as I don’t really like the cold that much. I am an avid Liverpool supporter as well!

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