Patana Pathways – Manisha Guruprasad

Patana Pathways – Manisha Guruprasad

Join us in celebrating Grad’23 Patana Pathways!

With aspirations to enter the field of social and civil service, Manisha Guruprasad has accepted an offer to Thammasat University, studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE). In this course, Manisha will have the opportunity to develop her holistic knowledge of the subject area, as “philosophy helps us understand why people think what they think, politics helps us understand different strategies of power relations and economics helps us to make well-informed decisions that are beneficial for the economy.” Combined with her interest in the environment, Manisha has focused her academic journey within the humanities. At Bangkok Patana, she enjoyed her IB Environmental Systems and Societies (ESS) course as it developed her knowledge of the impact that humans have on the environment. Hoping to help resolve these adverse impacts, Manisha expressed that one of her goals is to have an opportunity to work with the United Nations (UN), an experience that would facilitate participation in interdisciplinary policymaking.

Reflecting upon her five years at Bangkok Patana, Manisha is most proud of “putting [herself] out there in the world and that [she] has tried [her] best at everything [she] has done”. Her passion and natural inclination for economics also led her to create a study-focused Instagram page (@love_learn50) and subject-relevant YouTube tutorials (Electrifying Economics). Though she’ll soon be progressing along her Patana Pathway, Manisha shared that if she were to give advice to her Year 3-self, it would be to “be confident in who you are and don’t let anything or anyone intimidate you!” – a brilliant reminder to carry through to university. Congratulations, Manisha!

To see a cumulative list of Grad’23 university offers, click here!

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