Patana Pathways – Sharnipa

Patana Pathways – Sharnipa

Next stop – Cornell University!

“I want to be a Businesswoman!”

Sharnipa sees herself as a businesswoman running her own enterprise supporting and giving back to her home country – Thailand. Sixteen years at Bangkok Patana all the way from Nursery, Sharnipa’s Patana Pathway provided her with many opportunities; from Student Delegate to Varsity Volleyball Captain, cellist in the orchestra, President of STOP (Stop Trafficking of People), Vice President of Super Satang and Right to Read clubs, the list goes on.

As President of STOP, Sharnipa, along with her friend, dedicated every Sunday to tutoring students from Northern Thailand. Through the STOP organisation, they provided online lessons, focusing on essential English language skills. “Human Trafficking is not highlighted widely in Thailand, in spite of the high number of cases in the North. We wanted to highlight this cause and raise awareness and support few families through fundraising and also prepare the children for their future,” said Sharnipa. She reflected on how her generation lives in its own bubble and very few think outside of that, which led her to share her skills with the next generation to better equip them.

Sharnipa has accepted an offer to study Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University. “I grew up in a privileged community and I’m grateful, but I’m also aware not everyone is the same. I want to use the skills and expertise I learn through Economics at Cornell and give back to the community here and help propel the people who need it the most,” she said.

When asked about her favourite memory at school (besides the Noodle Bar, of course!) Sharnipa notes the friendships she made which stuck all the way from Nursery to Year 13. “Bangkok Patana feels like my second home, if I’m not at home then I’m always here. I’ve spent 16 out of my 18 years here at Patana!”

Sharnipa also received offers from Babson College, Boston University, University of California – Los Angeles, University of Southern California and University of Washington.

Wishing you the very best Sharnipa!

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