Rainforests Flourish in Year 5

Rainforests Flourish in Year 5

Students in Year 5 are constructing their own rainforests with handmade foliage and exotic plants, beginning their unit on these unique ecosystems.

Students in Year 5 have been busy constructing their very own rainforests. They adorned the doorways and walls of the Year 5 building with handmade green foliage and exotic plants in preparation for their unit of learning. Students had fun researching the layers of rainforests and plants and animals that live in these marvellous habitats. 

Over the coming weeks, Year 5 will learn how to ask geographical questions in order to learn more about these unique ecosystems. Our essential question, “How can we raise awareness of the importance of the rainforest?” will drive all of the learning during this geography-based unit. The rainforest unit will cover why rainforests are important; why more than 50% of all life on Earth live in rainforests; why they are located where they are; and the role of rainforests in the water cycle.

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