Senior Leadership Update – 13th January 2022
Hybrid CSL extended, update on COVID protocols, including ATKs for parents, protocols for attending sporting events….
Dear Parents,
Happy New Year and a big welcome to all of our new families joining us this term!
Upon reopening the school this week, we had a lot of happy and enthusiastic children who were so pleased to be able to come into school, see their friends and take classes in person. ECA Block 2 continued and Block 3 registration opened this week and will close on 18th January. The Year 13 trial exams are in progress and going smoothly.
Given the circumstances of the pandemic, we naturally have several students who are unable to attend campus as they are in isolation/quarantine or are having difficulties returning to Thailand. We will extend our Hybrid CSL model until the end of January. Please note that last minute requests for CSL cannot always be granted immediately. Hybrid CSL does dilute quality instruction and if your child is able, their best place to attend school is on campus.
You will be aware that we have experienced some isolated positive COVID cases this week and some classes have been sent home for three days, as per our protocols. We have also sent all of Year 6 home for three days as we had one case each in two different classes. We have clearly defined processes to deal with any positive cases to prevent COVID-19 clusters from occurring within the school. Our long term goal is to keep the school open and avoid many short closures.
There are going to be students who are identified as high risk due to close contact with a positive COVID-19 case. The latest BMA regulation requires a 14-day home isolation for these students. A reminder that if a child or family member receives a positive COVID-19 result, then all siblings must remain at home for 14 days. We have updated our COVID-19 prevention protocols including government requirements and you can review the updated version HERE.
The following changes will start on Monday 17th January:
- Any parents who are coming onto campus other than to drop off or pick up children, must be able to show proof of a negative ATK test done within 12 hours before arriving on campus. Please carry evidence on your mobile phone.
- Parents will be able to attend outdoor sports events but must be able to show proof of a negative ATK test done within 12 hours and must be masked and socially distanced when watching the event.
We are working with hospitals and the Ministry of Education on vaccinations for children 5 – 11 years old and will share details as soon as we have them. The first phase will be for children who were born between 31st January 2011 and 31st January 2017.
It was a great pleasure to host the Danish National Performance Gymnastics team in school on Monday. They were inspirational for our young gymnasts!
Best wishes,
Senior Leadership Team