Roald Dahl Day
Year 3 wishes a Happy Birthday Anniversary to Roald Dahl…
Students in Year 3 celebrated the birthday anniversary of famous author, Roald Dahl – if he were still alive, he would be celebrating his 106th birthday this year! Most famous for his children’s stories, this annual event is spent appreciating some of his most magical tales. The celebration day began with a parade of students dressed in Roald Dahl-inspired costumes. Students then headed back to their classrooms to enjoy various fun activities, such as creating dream jars (inspired by “The BFG”), making an enormous crocodile, concocting their own medicines (inspired by “George’s Marvellous Medicine”) and doing some baking to create “Mr Twit’s” beard! In the afternoon, each Year 3 teacher offered a reading of a different Roald Dahl book, providing students the opportunity to select the story they most wanted to hear. It has truly been a wonderfully fun and creative day in Year 3! Happy Birthday, Mr Dahl!