Senior Leadership End of Term Message

Senior Leadership End of Term Message

Our Senior Leadership shares a message at the close of Term with our Patana Community and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas!

Dear Parents,

What an incredible gift it has been to experience just over six weeks of school campus life! The excitement at school is certainly high as we move into the final hours of Term 1 and the holidays.

A reminder of the protocol for our CSL offering going forward. The details are linked here, have been shared with you over the past two weeks and are also shown below.

Unless government protocols change, when school opens for Term 2 on 10th January, CSL will only be provided to those students who are unable to return to school due to travel restrictions or who are under regulatory self-isolation due to COVID-19. Please inform your child’s class teacher/tutor if your child falls into either of these two categories and they will confirm whether your child will be eligible for the CSL programme. We expect all other children to be on campus for their learning.

The academic calendar for the 2022/23 school year was approved by the Foundation Board last week and you can view it here.

Our youngest learners in Foundation Stage have this video to share with you:

Merry Christmas to the whole Bangkok Patana family from all the Secondary staff. We hope you enjoy our Christmas song as a gift to you!

Wishing all of our school community a joyous festive season and we look forward to welcoming you back to school on 10th January 2022.

Best wishes,

The Senior Leadership Team

The information in this post is valid for the date posted above. Our curriculum and policies are dynamic. For up-to-date information, please contact the school directly.