Senior Leadership Update – Term 2 Protocols

Senior Leadership Update – Term 2 Protocols

Scenarios when CSL will and will not be offered…

2nd December 2021 

Dear Parents, 

It is so good to be walking around campus observing happy children and happy teachers. The Christmas trees on campus are letting us all know that the Christmas holidays are around the corner and the poinsettias just add that extra magic touch to get us into the season. 

The Senior Leadership Team met on Monday and are delighted with how our COVID-19 protocols are working successfully, enabling our Patana students to continue to enjoy the campus learning experience. As we look ahead to the start of Term 2, it is very important for you to have a clear understanding as our protocols continue to be fine-tuned. We have fully reviewed our hybrid model offerings, please carefully view the changes shown in the graphic below. It clearly outlines what is available to students if they are not attending classes on campus for any reason (click on the graphic for a pdf version). 

 A reminder to test this weekend and submit your child’s ATK results before Sunday 5thDecember at 5.00 pm. 

Wishing you a wonderful weekend. 

Best wishes,

Senior Leadership Team

The information in this post is valid for the date posted above. Our curriculum and policies are dynamic. For up-to-date information, please contact the school directly.