The Power of a Diverse Perspective

The Power of a Diverse Perspective

Yizhen (Tina) Kong, Grad ’22 explores her World of Opportunity…

Yizhen (Tina) Kong, Grad ’22, has matriculated into the Hunstman Program at the University of Pennsylvania, one of the eight Ivy League Institutions in the USA. As one of only fifty students selected for enrollment this year, Tina is exceptionally excited to have received Early Decision acceptance to her dream programme which culminates in dual Bachelors Degrees from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton Business School (Bsc. in Economics) and the College of Arts & Sciences (BA).

As the Huntsman Program supports the ‘development of globally-minded scholars who become engaged citizens, creative innovators and ethical leaders in the public, private and non-profit sectors’ across the globe, Tina is looking forward to exploring a business concentration through the lens of an international perspective, whilst furthering her academic interests in French language and culture. Standing at the intersection between business, language and international affairs, the Hunstman Program directly aligns with Tina’s own values and experience. “As a third-culture student, the international environment at Bangkok Patana helped me to appreciate diverse perspectives and further explore my own identity, particularly through a variety of activities including French classes, competing with the Golf team and founding the CanCure community action team.”

Throughout her seven years at Bangkok Patana School, Tina enjoyed both her extracurricular activities and her academic courses. “I enjoyed a variety of my classes, especially the subjects that required evaluating and exploring different perspectives, including History and Maths. My favourite classes, however, were my French Language lessons because I am passionate about applying the language skills I learned in class to watch French TV series, follow recipes for French Cuisine and to further understand aspects of Francophone culture. Writing my IB Extended Essay in French was truly an extraordinary experience!” Tina plans to study abroad in Paris to fulfill both the Huntsman Program’s semester-abroad requirement and her childhood dream.

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