Year 2 Recycles with Precious Plastics
Learn how to recycle and repurpose plastic waste with Year 2!
Year 2 students worked with a local organisation, Precious Plastics, as part of their learning on how to turn urban areas into relaxing spaces focused on well-being. Students are turning their attention to the rooftop space above the Year 1/2 building; a space that has a lot of potential, but has sat dormant for some time. It’s hot. It’s grey. It’s dusty. BUT, with a focus on sustainable practice and developing green spaces, our students will redesign the rooftop into a space in which they can enjoy spending their time.
Precious Plastics takes unwanted plastic, shreds it, melts it and repurposes it using their own machines. Precious Plastics first taught students about their work, then spent some time discussing the various plastic-related issues affecting Thailand today. They explained how their organisation helps to mitigate these issues and showed the students how their plastic-recycling machines work. Year 2 students sorted plastic, shredded it, melted it and used molds to create their plant pots for use on top of the Year 1/2 building. Not only does Year 2 now have sustainable gardening materials, but most importantly, students were able to engage with a practical, hands-on solution to the plastic waste problem that they are very aware of. This has been an amazing experience that will hopefully inspire more innovative solutions to today’s social issues in the near future!