Year 6 Listen to the Heartbeat

Year 6 Listen to the Heartbeat

Year 6 students created their own organs out of homemade playdough.

Year 6 kicked off their new unit of learning, ‘Heartbeat’ in style. This unit allows the students to explore everything about the circulatory system; from learning about the heart and lungs, to finding out why and how exercise keeps us healthy.

Students started with a live lesson, collaborating in small groups to complete a first aid quiz and become experts in a particular area of first aid. Then they presented their findings to the rest of the class. Next, using playdough that they made themselves, they recreated as many human organs as they could. They shared their learning in their Year group Padlet. There were some incredibly detailed models! Next, using whatever items they could find around their homes, they had to recreate the internal structure of a human body. Students correctly placed and labelled as many organs as they could. Finally, in the afternoon it was time to get musical. The students used household items, their voice or a musical instrument, if they had one, to create a tune or beat that represented one of the organs. 

Well done Year 6!

Year 6 heartbeat
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