Year 7s Off to a Good Start!

Year 7s Off to a Good Start!

Year 7 students are learning the ropes in Secondary

This year’s Year 7 cohort seem to be settling into Secondary School well, despite not having the advantage of transition days in the same way as previous cohorts. They did have the opportunity to do some transition activities online, way back in June.

On the first day of school, the Year 7s were introduced to some of the basic “need to knows” for Secondary School. They had some classes and then engaged in a treasure hunt around school. This was followed by a reflection session at the end of the day – the students said they particularly enjoyed History, Drama and the treasure hunt. They said the treasure hunt gave them the opportunity to meet different people and get familiar with the Secondary part of the campus.

These students will continue to receive pastoral support to aid their transition. Over the next few weeks during their tutorial sessions, they will have an IT  ‘Tech’ workshop. Additionally, they will have a session on home learning and the curriculum and a session on safeguarding.

A big thank you goes to the Year 7 ‘Helping Hands’ who have done a great job working with the 14 Year 7 students who are new to Patana.

Welcome to Secondary School Year 7s!

Year 7 first week
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