COVID-19 Update 12th March
Dear Parents, As you may be aware from the government updates, Thailand remains at Stage 2 in terms of the […]
Dear Parents,
As you may be aware from the government updates, Thailand remains at Stage 2 in terms of the spread of the coronavirus. In its daily update, the Ministry of Public Health noted that this is in part because people have been good at following recommended protocols, avoiding large group events or gatherings, separating themselves, staying away from others if they are sick and increasing hygiene and hand washing.
Just a reminder that if your children are engaged in activities outside school, such as extra lessons or sporting activities, where they come into regular, close contact with others, please do request these third parties to confirm they have not been travelling or transiting through our high-risk countries, nor have been in close contact with anyone who has, within the previous 14 days. The Ministry of Education and OPEC are understandably being very strict, and we do face a full school closure if any of our students or staff have been exposed and come to school, even if through a third party. Please follow our school quarantine guidelines carefully.
If you have any children who are alumni and returning from high-risk countries, they must also follow quarantine procedures. Please contact school if you have any questions on this.
Thank you for the care and attention you have shown over the past few weeks. To date the school has not had any issues. Our housekeeping staff are ever diligent in cleaning and wiping down surfaces. Additionally, we engage in deep cleans over the weekends. Our school community are regularly reminded to wash their hands or use the hand sanitisers located throughout the school.
Our primary objective is to protect our community and to ensure the school is able to remain open. Please be honest about where you have been and keep track of the countries on our list and with whom you have come into close contact. The school’s ability to remain open, in large part, relies on the honesty and willingness of members of our community to adhere to the measures announced by the school and the government. Please regularly check the link on the website to monitor the places on the school’s high-risk list. We are also regularly adding to the FAQs on this page, do email us if you have a suggestion for this section.
Please read tomorrow’s Patana News for more information regarding Continuing Student Learning if the school should have to close at any time.
Best regards,
Senior Leadership Team