COVID-19 Update 15th March
Addition of two new requirements – the previous requirements are still in place…
Dear Parents,
In order to keep our community as safe as possible, we have two additional requirements below for families to abide by. Please note that the existing requirements are still in place, and these two requirements are in addition:
- If your child has a sibling attending another school that has shut due to a confirmed case or a PUI (Person Under Investigation) within their school staff or students, please keep your child at home and he/she will have to follow the 14-day quarantine.
- If anyone in your family has come into contact with a PUI, please keep your family at home until the PUI has been cleared by a doctor. The FAQ on our website here gives full details of the definition of a PUI. Please do check this link. If you are unsure, please keep your child at home and call the Secondary or Primary Offices during school hours.
We are aware that many families have children or other family members returning from the UK, US and other places on our high-risk list. It is extremely important that you follow the guidelines for self-quarantine. You can link to our FAQs here.
The Ministry of Public Health today reinforced the importance of social distancing as the majority of confirmed cases in recent days have arisen from not following the guidelines of the MOPH on personal hygiene, hand washing and limiting the sharing of personal items. We ask our community to please be conservative as well and follow social distancing protocols as much as possible.
As a community, at this time, it is extremely important that we all work together to ensure that we are able to maintain our school environment as a safe place.
Best wishes,
Senior Leadership Team