Patana Pathways – Att

Patana Pathways – Att

Next stop Northwestern University..

Att’s Patana Pathway has been guided by his passion for economics, sports and community engagement. Starting with his interest in economics during his (I)GCSEs, Att delved deeper into the subject through the IB programme, even winning accolades at the Thailand Economics Olympiad. He credits his teachers, Mr Worrall and Mr Munir, for inspiring and supporting him in his academic pursuits.

At Bangkok Patana, Att excelled in sports, particularly football and basketball. He cherishes the camaraderie and school spirit fostered through varsity teams and intramural sports. Beyond sports, Att found joy in music, participating in the jazz band, and spending leisure time with friends. Deeply committed to community service, Att initiated and ran Project Star, a club supporting teens with disabilities, and spearheaded Manjai, a men’s mental health platform in Thailand. Additionally, he volunteers as a football coach and English teacher in Klong Toey, using sports as a tool for community empowerment and education.

Att’s decision to attend Northwestern University reflects his desire for a supportive community akin to Bangkok Patana School. Despite the impending Illinois winters, he looks forward to embracing the school spirit and forging lifelong friendships. With his friends by his side, Att eagerly anticipates this new chapter, where he will continue to excel academically, engage in sports, and contribute to the community.

Wish you the very best Att!

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