Primary Science Week Wrap-Up
Exciting experiments and a week of scientific wonder…
Science Week in the Primary School ignited students’ curiosity and enthusiasm with visits from Ian Stuart and Ruben Meerman, as well as various fun-filled experiments. Science Week aimed to inspire students from Nursery and Foundation Stage, all the way through to Year 6. Learning in science allows our students to develop many skills considered necessary to adapt to life in the 21st century, such as critical thinking, problem solving and creativity, collaboration and perseverance.
To support us during this special week, we had our visiting scientists return; Ian Stuart and Ruben Meerman (also known as ‘The Surfing Scientist’) who last visited us in January 2020. They visited every Primary Year group throughout the week and worked alongside students and teachers to see where the students have moved to in their understanding of atomic theory. To say they were blown away was an understatement. Listening to 7-year-olds explaining the structure of an atom and hearing a child telling you about quarks is truly amazing!
Here is just the briefest glimpse of some of the amazing activities that took place last week:
- Starting the journey of watching real caterpillars to turn into butterflies in Nursery
- Creating air cannons in Year 2
- Touching and feeling real eyeballs in Year 3
- Making chocolate ice cream and sucrose molecules in Year 4
- Exploring distillation in the Secondary Science labs in Year 5
- A parent workshop in which parents had a go at building with “sticky atoms”
And who could forget the amazing assemblies Ruben led across the Primary School! Every child sat and watched in amazement as Ruben amazed and dazzled us with various experiments involving liquid nitrogen and finished it off with a great big bang as he set fire to a balloon of hydrogen. It’s safe to say we can’t wait for Science Week to be back again next year!