Revision Carousel Focuses Year 11s in English

Revision Carousel Focuses Year 11s in English

Year 11 are using a carousel format for revision as they prepare for (I)GCSE exams.

Year 11 English students are taking their revision in a carousel. The teachers are offering an hour long workshop in various aspects of the Language and Literacy (I)GCSE exams. Students sign up for the sessions they wish to focus on the most. Topics for revision include descriptive writing, narrative writing, language choices, tackling tricky poems and more. Year 11s appreciate the focused revision sessions as it gives them an opportunity to focus on areas of need.

The revision carousel is quite effective because I get to focus on my specific weaknesses rather than cover everything. The classes also feel smaller so students can ask for more help if they need it.

Dio, Year 11

It is really valuable get to revise specific exam techniques and I get to focus on specific topics. In the revision carousel, students can choose six different sessions. I find it more helpful than usual revision because it is more about what I am studying than the whole subject.

Reem, Year 11
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