School Re-opens on 1st February
The latest news from Mr Mills
27th January 2021
Dear Parents,
I am really pleased to announce that our campus will re-open on Monday 1st February. The Ministry of Education confirmed today that schools can reopen.
We want to continue to remain vigilant against the spread of infection and so we ask everyone to adhere to the protocols we have already established:
- If your child(ren) has a fever or any of the COVID-19 symptoms, please keep them at home.
- WWW: Watch your distance, Wear a mask, Wash your hands.
- Regular temperature checks will continue.
- Snacks will not be allowed on the school bus and masks must be worn at all times on the bus.
- Parents/carers can enter the campus to drop their child(ren) off and are requested not to gather in groups and to leave the campus by 8.00am.
- Parents/carers will be allowed to enter the campus after 2.00pm to collect their child(ren). Please refrain from waiting in groups and please leave the campus as soon as you have collected your child(ren).
- Between 8.00am and 2.00pm parents/carers should only be on campus if they are attending a school sanctioned event.
- There will be no large group gatherings on campus.
As we prepare to reopen, the school campus is being thoroughly deep cleaned this weekend. If you suspect you or any of your family members have been in contact with a COVID-19 case within the last 14 days, please contact Khun Patama, our Head Nurse at
Primary Residentials
At this time, we expect that Primary Residentials will go ahead as planned.
ECA Programme
On 1st February, the year long and selective ECA programmes will commence alongside the Secondary School Season 3 competitive sports trials, as indicated in the school calendar. The full ECA Block 3 programme will begin on 8th February for all students.
School Photos
Due to the school closure, the school photo schedule has been adjusted. Primary School photos will take place from Monday 1st February through to Wednesday 10th February, and Secondary School photos will go from Thursday 11th February until Friday 19th February. Your child’s class teacher/tutor will give you the exact date of their class photo. Due to COVID restrictions, parents will not be allowed to come into school for family group photos that are usually offered after school. We are working with our provider to come up with an alternate option.
Air Quality
Especially for all of our wonderful new parents: we do experience poor air quality during the months of December through February. Two years ago, the school invested in very high quality, fresh air filter systems throughout the school. We continue to monitor air quality and know that these systems are working well. Here is our updated Air Quality Policy and please read Patana News this week for more information on our fresh air filter systems.
At this time, I would like to inform all of our Primary parents that our Primary Principal, Mr Jason Cooper, will be moving back to Australia with his family at the end of June. Jason has been an incredible instructional leader at our school and we thank him for his dedicated nine years of service.
Here is another interesting article on education post COVID-19, which I highly recommend you read.
I am really looking forward to greeting your child(ren) as they enter school on Monday morning!
Best wishes,
Matt Mills Head of School