Senior Leadership Update 14th November 2022
Information regarding school schedule during the APEC summit….
Dear Parents,
It’s a busy, exciting time for all of our community as we get used to the usual roster of events in our school! Most of our Secondary students are returning to school today after having some wonderful learning experiences and personal development on their Residential Visits.
We want to give you a quick update to clear any confusion regarding the upcoming APEC summit this week and school schedules. Our campus will remain open and school will run as normal. We applied for and received passes for our school buses and they will run as usual on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week. If your child (ren) usually come to school by private transport, we ask you to please pool your resources so there are fewer private vehicles in transit.
Our students are very busy on campus during this period. We are preparing for the FOBISIA Gymnastics and Ploenchit Fair on 26th November, for our Secondary production Bugsy Malone on 30th November to 2nd December and our Year 13 students are in the midst of university and coursework deadlines.
Matt Mills will be attending the FOBISIA Heads Conference in New Delhi from 16th – 18th November. Cross Campus Principal Helen Thew will be the acting Head of School while he is away. The Head of School recruitment is going smoothly and the Foundation Board hope to confirm an appointment in early December.
The whole school community is very excited to celebrate their first full International Day since 2019, tomorrow. A big thank you to the many PTG volunteer parents who have spent so much time getting ready for this highlight of our year.
Best wishes,
The Senior Leadership Team