Senior Leadership Update – 9th December 2021

Senior Leadership Update – 9th December 2021

Reminder of the guidelines for CSL provision…

Dear Parents,

It has certainly been an unprecedented first term, and the highlight for us has been having our students back on campus. Our students have been thoroughly enjoying their sports and ECAs and this weekend we will host our first inter-school sports event since lockdown.

We want to emphasise the protocol for our CSL offering going forward. Last week we presented the details and they are linked here and shared again below. Unless government protocols change, when school opens for Term 2 on 10th January, CSL will only be provided to those students who are unable to return to school due to travel restrictions or who are under regulatory self-isolation due to COVID-19. Please inform your child’s class teacher/tutor if your child falls into either of these two categories and they will confirm whether your child will be eligible for the CSL programme. We expect all other children to be on campus for their learning.

Hybrid learning guidelines

Starting in Term 2 parents are welcome on campus to drop off /pick up their children and for scheduled appointments.

A reminder to test this weekend and submit your child’s ATK results before Sunday 12th December at 5.00 pm.

Heading into the final week of Term 1, we will continue to enforce our COVID-19 protocols to ensure our community is kept safe and well as we move into the holidays. Although our celebrations this year are more muted than normal, we do have some festive activities planned, so stay tuned to our school website and social media accounts.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Best wishes,

Senior Leadership Team

The information in this post is valid for the date posted above. Our curriculum and policies are dynamic. For up-to-date information, please contact the school directly.