Year 2 Students Practice the Three Rs
Year 2 are busy in lessons practicing reading, writing and mathematics.
At the beginning of the week. Year 2 had some intruders that came into their classrooms and left pond weed, webbed footprints and water everywhere! Trying to get to the bottom of this, seemed a good opportunity for the children to practice the three Rs – reading, (w)riting and (a)rithmetic. So, in Connected Learning they wrote who they thought visited and what might have happened.
The students have been learning how to do multiplication in Maths, using a variety of mental and written methods and have even been showing their learning using iPads. Year 2 students have loved visiting the Library again to choose books to read at home. In classrooms, they enjoyed reading sessions with teachers and friends. We haven’t heard yet whether the children came to any conclusions about their intruders!