Year 7 Aides in the Transition from Primary

Year 7 Aides in the Transition from Primary

Year 7 students welcome Year 6 to Secondary

Year 7 students are aiding the Year 6 transition to the Secondary School community by answering questions on Padlet and writing personalised welcome letters. In their English lessons, Year 7 students have spent time reflecting on how they felt during the end of Year 6. Some leading questions include: What were they excited about? What worries did they have? What questions did they seek answers to? As a majority of our communication is now done digitally, hand-written letters are a personalised touch to the intimidating transition out of Primary school.

See some of the Padlet questions and answers below! Year 7 students hope that their letters are well received and look forward to the Year 6 students joining them in Secondary come August.

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