Year 9 Celebrate European Languages

Year 9 Celebrate European Languages

Acting as travel agents, Year 9 delved into different European countries and languages.

Year 9 took part in a week-long celebration of the European Day of Languages in World Languages. Students were asked to explore the many different European countries and then collaborate to become travel agents for a country. First, they started with a short video showing many celebrities speaking another European language. How many of these languages can you speak?

Students’ knowledge and understanding of the vast cultural and linguistic variety encountered in Europe was then challenged with a quiz with questions such as “Which is the oldest language in Europe?”. This led to the final day on when students worked in small groups creating brochures, presentations and posters on a specific country. Languages is more than just learning to speak, it is also learning about the people, the culture and their society. Exploring different European countries and languages gives students the opportunity to learn more about the world around them.

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