Coronavirus – 14-Day Quarantine
The Government has requested a 14-day quarantine for people returning from certain locations…
Dear Parents,
This evening we received a directive from the Government regarding preventative measures against the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
This directive strictly asks that any families returning from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore and Japan place themselves in a voluntary 14-day quarantine from the date of their return. This applies to people returning from these locations from noon on Friday 21st February, until we hear that the directive has been lifted. Consistent with our previous communications, this also includes those who have been in contact with people who have travelled from those countries since noon on Friday 21st February.
If your child is affected by this directive, please email their class teacher and the primary/secondary office as applicable. Your child will be put into an online learning programme with full support from their teachers until his/her return to school.
Given the continuing spread of the virus, we ask parents to be even more vigilant to prevent new risks. We rely on your honesty with regard to this and please remember, if your child is unwell, do keep them at home.
Senior Leadership Team
Bangkok Patana School
Useful links for information on the spread of Coronavirus:
School updates on COVID-19 virus: https://www.patana.ac.th/covid-19-advisory/